
allign_CT(t1_path, ct_path[, reg_affine])

Alligns a CT scan to a T1 scan


Forces the montage to be in the specified frame

gen_labels(info[, sub, subj_dir, picks])

Generates the labels for the electrodes


Gets the grey matter channels for a list of subjects


Gets the subject from the instance


Gets the subjects directory

imshow_mri(data, img, vox, xyz[, suptitle])

Show an MRI slice with a voxel annotated.

pick_no_wm(picks, labels)

Picks the channels that are not in the white matter

plot_gamma(evoked[, subjects_dir])

Plots the gamma power over time

plot_on_average(sigs[, subj_dir, rm_wm, ...])

Plots the signal on the average brain

plot_overlay(image, compare, title[, thresh])

Plots an overlay of two images

plot_subj(inst[, subj_dir, picks, no_wm, ...])

Plots the electrodes on the subject's brain

show_brain(my_raw, trans, sub_id[, ...])

Shows the brain with the electrodes projected onto it

subject_to_info(subject[, subjects_dir, ...])

Gets the info for a subject from the subjects directory